Latest News

KKGC Weekly Service Our weekly Word, Empowerment & Prophetic Service,“Divine Encounter with The King” is scheduled every Wednesday of the week. Join our Virtual Service with ZOOM APP on your phone, computer or Tablet. Wednesdays at 7PM click on the APP and , use this meeting ID [4242422017] & Password [422017] with your full name to join the service. Call Upon Me Our weekly Fasting and Prayer, with 1 day 6AM to 6PM is scheduled every Thursday of the week, and our prayer line will be open for prayers same day at 8PM USA EST. Join us to pray, it's the absolute means of communication with God.
Dial in Phone # - [712-770-8019] Access # - [562-097]
Evangelism! Soul Winning!! Soul Winning!!! He or she that wins soul is wise, Proverbs 11: 30B. Soul winning is part of our duty call as disciples of Jesus Christ. Let's continue to share the hope of Salvation and bring uncountable souls out of darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ!
Invite one person with our online service link this week!
Online Services! Our live streaming is now on YouTube and Facebook at the same time. Subscribe to King of Kings Global Church Network on YouTube, and like King of Kings Global Church Page on Facebook. Please use this info for your evangelism, and send it to your family and friends.
Service Time:10AM USA EST